February 10, 2013

Stand Up World Tour - Sunset Beach Pro 2013

If you're like me and and are dreaming of warm weather, nice waves, and paddling, check out the 1st stop on the Stand Up World Tour....the Sunset Beach Pro 2013 on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii. Although the event was called off today due to large surf (what?) and inconsistent conditions, you can check out the live feed tomorrow afternoon (Michigan time) from the link below.
Live Feed - Sunset Beach Pro 2013 (Check back on Monday 2/11/2013)
If you need your fix today (or any other time), check out the highlights below from the first day of the contest.


  1. Looks like things were called off again today due to sloppy conditions. Things might get going on Wednesday afternoon (Michigan time) when the next swell hits Sunset.

  2. Water Temp is 44 degrees today in Grand Haven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
